Children and Adolescent In-Home On-Site/Outpatient Services
Areas Served: Broward and Miami-Dade
In-home on-site services to children and adolescents ages 12-17 referred from any outside agencies, including Juvenile services, drug court, Marchman act court, or self-referral. TVS provides weekly individual and/or family therapy, weekly drug testing, monthly reports to referral sources on progress, case management services as often as needed, but no less than 1x monthly and telehealth Psychiatric evaluations and follow up.
The program ranges 3-6 months. This program utilizes evidence-based practice (EBP) Functional Family Therapy (FFT) is a family focused intervention for families that have a youth between the ages of 12 and 17 who is at risk of substance use / abuse, out of home placement, involvement with the juvenile justice system or any related academic, conduct and self-harm issues.